Basketball, Dodgeball, Rounders, Team Building, Quiz Time, Mini Cricket, Obstacle Course, Mini Tennis, Musical & Games, Fun & Games, Relay Races, Ball Skills and Badminton. Activities are dependent on the facilities available, the number of children at camp and the availability of the coaches.
Children are required to stay within their assigned groups and will participate in all activities.
There will be 5 different activities each day divided into 45 minutes sessions.
In some cases, the camp manager may be able to move them into another group for 1 session. If this is not possible, they will stay with the group and sit out for the activity.
Groups are divided according to age and with an age difference of 2 years either older or younger, this does depend on how many children are registered for the week.
All ESM holiday camp staff are qualified coaches in their various fields.
There will always be a fully qualified First Aid person on Duty. ESM pride themselves on their Health and Safety Standards. In the unlikely event of a child being injured the parent will be notified by the camp manager. Nurses will not be onsite during camps, in the event of any serious incidents or accidents an ambulance will be called. Please be aware if any children require a nurse or doctors assistance, we advise them not to attend camp. (e.g., a diabetic needing insulin injections)
ESM offers a 10% siblings discount on the 2nd and 3rd child for full weekly bookings only. They have to be either brother or sister (not cousin or niece/nephew). We require parents to only register their own children and not any friends. Your ESM account is for your own family only
Casual or sports clothing is highly recommended & trainers. Please ensure all bags, clothing are clearly labelled.
Please bring a refillable water bottle (plenty of water) and packed lunch, on aqua fun days please pack in swimwear, goggles, swim cap and towel.
Please inform us at the earliest. Please refrain from sending sick children as we will be calling parents to collect them and take them to the doctor. Please provide a medical note & we will offer camp credit so they can attend when they are feeling better.
It is vital that we are made aware of any medical conditions and any prescribed medication that your child is required to take. We also advise you to talk with the camp manager if you have any concerns or if your child has any special needs. We do not always have nurses onsite and our staff are not trained to facilitate medical assistance. If your child requires any medical assistance in the form of a nurse or doctor, we advise for them to not attend the camps.
Our staff treat children with respect, and we expect this to be reciprocated by the children. We encourage good behaviour and sportsmanship with positive reinforcement. By the same token bad behaviour cannot and will not be tolerated.
In more serious cases, we may contact parents to take action. If bad behaviour continues, we reserve the right to remove children from the camp if necessary.
Children who are under 4 years need to be able to function in a group environment with minimal assistance in the sporting activities set out for the day - If children cannot adhere to this parents will be asked to come and collect the students. ESM staff are not allowed to assist with bathroom trips, children need to be “potty trained” and able to cope within a group environment unassisted in every way. They would need to be in FS1 during the current academic year to attend camps.
We do not permit nannies to remain onsite during camps as this can cause distractions for young children.
As mentioned above, parents will not be permitted onsite near the camp facilities hence, no watching will be possible.
ESM offer all inclusive holiday camps but please do inform the camp managers if your child has any behavioral or learning disabilities so that we can best assist your children during camp time.
Some children will require additional support due to special educational needs (SEND) or other factors, ESM can make reasonable adjustments to provide a stimulating and inclusive environment for most children, depending on their specific needs.
ESM collect personal information about all children at the point of booking or prompt parents to provide this when dropping their children off at camp.
To meet the needs of all children, ESM require parents and guardians to be honest and transparent regarding any additional support a child may require at the point of booking. This is especially important when a child requires a higher level of supervision than we’re able to offer within our standard ratios and where their behaviour has the potential to detract from the welfare of other children.
In the case where additional support or needs and for children with SEND is required, parents of that child/children will need to provide this service as ESM Holiday Camp staff are not trained in this field of expertise.
For children with a high level of SEND, attendance is considered on an individual basis. We expect children that require 1:1 care at home or at school to be accompanied by their regular carer or welcome the attendance of an adult support.
Providing detailed information regarding expected behaviours or triggers for children with SEND or additional support needs helps our staff to understand how best to support your child on camp and provide the best experience for them.
Failure to provide information will result in the cancellation of the child’s place(s).
ESM reserve the right to contact parents and guardians at any point to collect their child when believed necessary, to protect the welfare of the child, or other children and staff.
ESM Holiday Camps reserve the right to decline a booking or prevent a child attending a programme if believed the needs of the child within our standard ratios and without detracting from the welfare of all children and staff of incorrect or incomplete information has been provided by a parent or carer at the point of booking, that could or does detract from the welfare of the child or other children.”